
you should probably read the comic before taking a look at these

basic character infos


name: Daisy/Daniel Micheal Strangeworth (both daisy and daniel aren't really her names, maisy was the one who gave the name daisy to her,

age: 21-22

birthday:may 12

gender: girlthing she/her

height: 180cm/5'11 ft

likes: chips, drawing, sleeping, mild coldness

dislikes: water and wetness in general, going outside/the outside and natural environment, people, most things in general

voice: whispery, kinda hoarse, cracks often. A voice like a sharp old eroded stone on it's last breath that's dark grey colored.


name: Maisy Micheal Strangeworth

age: 19

birthday: november 6

gender: girl she/her

height: 177cm/ 5'10ft

likes: crocheting, fashion, running, hiking, exploring nature

dislikes: being bored, having to sit still for too long, mom's oatmeal and salads

voice:expressive voice that goes from high to low easily, probably kinda saliva heavy


name: Axon #007

age: 20-21

birthday: actually unknown, but it's july 16

gender: male he/him

height: 183cm/ 6'0ft

likes: feeding pitiful stray animals, wrapping bandages around wounds, scavaging food and giving it to people

dislikes: authority, dendritism

backstory(not relevant to the story at all btw): Parents died. He lived in an orphanage till he was 6 and a virus (Like a computer virus) invaded his body and instead of killing him it merged with him, government found out and took him to a lab to experiment on him. When he was 13, Other virus-kids destroyed the building and broke out, lots of guards showed up, he managed to sneak out of the building but not before seeing his friend get their head blown out by a gun. After that he just wandered around.

voice:Deep, masculine, full-sounding voice. Sounds very strong and confident.

random stuff

Maisy is actually the one who introduced anime and stuff to Daisy which led to Daisy to get into drawing, Maisy really likes trashy anime like SAO and stuff like that (I think she'd like Mashle: Magic and muscles, I reincarnated as a slime, Dungeon Meshi...most of the anime on netflix probably. She also likes trashy manhwa like Lookism and Power fantasy stuff. She just thinks it's fun to read. Daisy doesn't really watch or read anything now cause she's too tired and only wants to draw

In the omegaverse au of the Red Eyed Sheet, the entire strangeworth family are alphas...Daisy wants to be treated like an omega but she's an she makes an oc in another world with four genders instead of 3!! The 4th one? SIG

Maisy and Daisy slept in a bunkbed together (Maisy on top, Daisy on the bottom) until Maisy moved out for college. They got their rooms when Daisy was 6 and Maisy was 4, before they just slept in their parents beds with them. The reason why Daisy sleeps in the basement instead of the bedroom is because her mom wanted a studio for making her arts and crafts stuff. Maisy is sleeping on a couch that can be turned into a bed in the arts and crafts room (stuff moved out of the way for space for her). The room has strange fumes that cause headaches.

The reason why Daisy's mom cares so little towards her kids is because she sees them as remnants of her old depressing life where she was married to a man she didn't give a shit about and was bored out of her mind all day because of social pressure. Her husband and her are split up, they agreed to not live together anymore but they aren't officially, legally divorced. Her mom just wants to have fun and do exciting stuff anything to make up for the things she missed having to take care of Maisy and Daisy. She gets along with Maisy because Maisy also likes doing exciting things, they're more like friends than parent-child.

daisy and axon in a parallel universe 5,00,000,000 light years away (daisy domme axon puppy)

random stuff(spoilers)

if anyone's curious as to why Axon knows he can't revive dead bodies with his bodily fluds(i thought it made such a funny fucking implication before i figured out a reason), he was taken to a lab when they found out he was half virus(when he was 6) and when they found out about his bodily fluids thing they brought in a corpse to see if he could do it. You can ignore this though if the thought of Axon slobbering over a corpse is funnier to you.